November 27, 2013

COMIC REVIEW: Scarlet Spider #024

For the Fan Presents:

Scarlet Spider #024 - Comic Review

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Publisher: Marvel Comics
Title: Scarlet Spider #024
Price: $2.99
Writer(s): Christopher Yost & Erik Burnham
Artist: David Baldeon

As Kaine begins to crumble under the pressure and guilt of what happened to Donald, at the hands of Kraven the hunter, more and more pressure begins to build on Kaines back. How will he handle all of this stress?

Story Summary(some spoilers)

The book starts with Kaine talking to a Catholic priest about the recent encounter with Kraven that has turned Wally against him and his friend Donald in the hospital fighting for his life. From there we see Kaine attempt to burn his Scarlet Spider suit but is un successful in doing so since it is flame resistant. Aracely grabs Kaine's suit and follows him up into his apartment so that she can talk some sense into him but instead is taken over by a day dream/nightmare. When Kaine enters his bedroom, Annabelle is laying on his bed ready to "get romantic" with Kaine. During Kaine and Annabelle's love fest, Aracely is in the front room in the middle of her nightmare. It all gets really crazy when Wally busts into Kaine's apartment so that he can arrest him for crimes he has committed in the past. (for examples go check out the clone saga) When Kaine see's Wally he completely agrees and admits to the crimes he has committed in the past, and gets on his knee's so that Wally can arrest him. THEN! It all gets really CRAZY when the real Annabelle comes in and see's Zoe in the elevator, who says she is Kaine's "lover". Annabelle is infuriated and confused when she see's someone who looks just like her in Kaine's apartment who turns out to be a dark demonesque figure. Zoe, then pulls out a rocket launcher because I am assuming she's just a crazy bitch and blows up the freaking apartment. And that is how this book ends.

Review of the Book

So did my summary make this book seem crazy? Good. Because this book is one big mess of drama! But it is also again, very very entertaining! I don't know what it is about Chris Yost's writing, but I love 99.9% of the material he puts out! This book had me laughing through most of it mostly because of the characters personality but at the end had me go "oh shit" with my jaw on the floor. The art in this book is also really good though I think Kaine looks a little too buff in this issue because in previous issues, when Kaine has the suit on, he is about the same size as Spider-Man in the Superior Spider-Man book. This is unfortunately one of the last two issues of this book which really bums me out mostly because I got into it late, and it's absolutely brilliant! Overall, this book is a lot of fun like the other Scarlet Spider issues and has me really excited for the final issue!

Pros, Cons, & Rating

PROS: Awesome writing, good art, fun book
CONS: No actual Scarlet Spider action, and there's only 1 more issue!

Rating:  8/10. Fun book, lacked suited up action, but set up the final issue of the series

article by Matt Skajem

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