November 27, 2013

COMIC REVIEW: Infinity The Hunt #004

For the Fan Presents:

Infinity: The Hunt #004 - Comic Review

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Publisher: Marvel Comics
Title: Infinity The Hunt #004
Price: $3.99
Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist: Steven Sanders

After being trapped in the belly of a whale, students from the major "Super-Schools" must find a way to put their differences aside and not only escape from the whale, but help save Wakanda from the army of the mad titan, Thanos.

Story Summary(some spoilers)

In the final issue of, Infinity: The Hunt, we see our young heroes in training, trapped in the belly of a whale. But what they all come to find out is that the whale is really a mix of a whale and squid that is controlled by a long lost atlantian. After the young atlantian shows the young heroes, telepathically, that she had her whale swallow them to save their lives, the young heroes team up with her and fly the whale known as Leviathan to the African city of Wakanda, which is under heavy attack by Thanos' forces. Once the young batch of heroes arrive they immediately begin to fight the evil army and supply the help that the queen and the rest of the Wakandan army needs to survive. After surviving the army the young heroes face a new threat, a giant evil monster that looks very much like the one from Clash of the Titans. After the queen tells the youngins to retreat from the giant monster, they stubbornly refuse and magically save the day.

Review of the Book

Honestly, the only reason I've read this short mini series is because I am collecting and reading all of Infinity. This short series has honestly been a waste of money and really hasn't done anything at all for the Infinity story line. This issue was a typical team story of young people trying to work together but really can't work together for the greater good of the world. Maybe I'm not a big fan of this series because the story has been done on more than several occasions, or maybe the writing is just not there, but something new needs to be done with these types of books. Any book that features a young batch of heroes or a young anything is always about learning how to work with each other. It's not that it's a bad concept, it's just the fact that it's been done too much. Another issue I have had with this series (I am talking about it as a series since this was the last book) is that there was basically no character development AT ALL. Other than a short little bio for every single character during the first issue, I have no idea who is who and no idea why I should care about any of these characters. Throughout all of the series as well I kept asking myself "who the hell are these little alien dudes?" and I never got an answer. The art in this book was decent though there was a MAJOR quality jump in this book that I feel actually hurt it. For the first half of the book it was the familiar art from the rest of this mini series and then for the second half of the book, it was super realistic art that made the teenagers look like they were all in their mid 30s. I think it would have been a smarter bet for Marvel to have kept just one artist on this book. But I did enjoy the art this issue and think it was the only half decent thing about this short series. All in all, STAY AWAY FROM THIS BOOK.

Pros, Cons, & Rating

PROS: Decent/somewhat enjoyable art
CONS: The writing is bland, the concept is over done, and there is no character development at all

RATING: 4/10. If you don't want to waste $4, STAY AWAY

article by Matt Skajem

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