May 29, 2014

Atmosphere Southsiders

For The Fan Presents:

Atmosphere “Southsiders” (2014) Review

Slug is back and this time he shakes off the dust that plagued his last release and brings back the incredible rhymes that came through on “When Life Gives You Lemons…” In fact, it was that previous album that garnered so much critical acclaim for Slug. The introspective lyricism, and the forward thinking thought process of an alternative rapper shines through on “Southsiders”. He finds a way to complicate the task through eclectic soundscapes and delivery in what you would expect from Atmosphere. The record starts off with an instant classic, “Camera Thief”, which bridges the gap from “Shoulda Known” and “The Family Sign”.

This time around Atmosphere creates one of the best rap albums to date, and again, the mainstream is silent. Even though sites like KCRW, KEXP, and even NPR have jumped on board to claim this is the best that hip hop has to offer, it’s not on the map like 50 cent’s bad throwing arm, or Tupac gone fishing…er I mean his last words. I will never understand why hip hop fans are so marginalized, but whatever the case is, this is a record that goes beyond that genre and delivers some incredible rhymes, reasons, and thoughts on life.

Slug finds a way to contemplate everything you already think about, whether it’s dealing with fame or talking about his own death. There’s enough here to fill your mind with thoughts about your own personal destiny, decisions, regrets, and so much more. It’s not a religious experiment, but rather a human painting with words. Stand out tracks include “Camera Thief”, “Bitter”, “Kanye West”, “Flicker”, and “January on Lake Street”. The influences here are epic, and the sound design is straight forward, delivering a mix of jazz, breaks, sound clips and more. The signature Atmosphere sound is here, and you’re going to celebrate with Slug when he triumphs and cry when he’s in the dumps on this 15 track release from Rhymesayers.

I say it a lot in my reviews, but only because each release I get my hands on truly deserves it; this is the best hip hop record to come out thus far. That’s right. Atmosphere “Southsiders” is worth your time, money, and appreciation so give it a shot. Even if you’ve never heard of Slug or Ant.

Pros: Alternative Hip Hop, Slug's Back To Form, Highly Accessible, Highly Relatable

Cons: It's not Mainstream (con for some listeners)

Download Mp3: Click HERE

Music Video: "Camera Thief"

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