For the Fan Presents:
The Avengers: Possible Super Heroes for the Future
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With the upcoming addition of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to The Avengers team in the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron" a question that has popped into everyone's head at least once is, "Who else are we going to see be added into the MCU?" Well, I am making this post to share my opinion on who I think there is a possibility of us seeing in the future of The Avengers franchise. These are in no particular order, and obviously none of these are fact, they are nothing more than speculation and opinion on to who I'd want to see introduced.
Hope you guys enjoy my list and if you guys have a hero you think will be introduced, or if you want to share an opinion about my list please feel free to comment below or tweet me @4thFan. Let's get started!
Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers

To be completely honest I was expecting the introduction of Carol Danvers to be in Iron Man 3, but as we all know, that didn't happen. I think the addition of Ms. Marvel would be really cool for the Avengers and could actually happen. Ms. Marvel has already been rumored as a possibility but I think that if we were to see her on the big screen, it wouldn't been under the alias of "Ms. Marvel" but more than likely under her other name, "Warbird" or "Binary" mostly because Marvel won't want a character named after them in the cinematic universe. But I think the more realistic way would be that, she is introduced as shield agent "Colonel Danvers" who develops super powers as a part of the "super solider" program being brought back. Of course that's just what I think is the more realistic way of her being added into the MCU. There is the possibility of her being introduced in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" since that film seems to be really S.H.I.E.L.D heavy. Another reason I think that Ms. Marvel could fly her way onto the Avengers team is because Joss Whedon has already said he wants to use heroes with more "extraordinary" powers and what is more extraordinary than a deep yellow photon blast?
Union Jack/Joesph Chapman

Even though Union Jack was never on the Avengers team, the main reason I believe we could see Union Jack on the Avengers is because he was technically introduced in the first Captain America film but under the first Union Jack alias "James Montgomery Falsworth." I think it would be really cool to see the third UJ "Joseph Chapman" be introduced. This could easily be accomplished by Marvel. All they would have to do is have an opening montage in the beginning of "Captain America: The Winter Solider" of the original Union Jack, James Montgomery, in the Union Jack attire fighting people during WWII after being inspired from serving side by side with Captain America during the war. From there all they would have to do is introduce Joseph Chapman as the new Union Jack who has taken up the mantle and is apart of S.H.I.E.L.D's British unit/sector. Basically all the heroes on my list are going to more than likely be introduced from S.H.I.E.L.D. I also think his introduction would more than likely be on the TV show "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." It would also be a way for Marvel to tie in the TV Universe with the Movie Universe.
Black Panther/T'Challa
I guess this one is not really a "prediction" because a Black Panther film is already apparently "in development" but some evidence around him being introduced is the fact that Captain America's shield is made out of the Wakandian material "Vibranium," which means, BP is technically already a part of the MCU, but I think it would be really cool to see him and his Wakandian army fight with The Avengers. This is more of a, "it's bound to happen" type of prediction since it's technically happening already. I do think that Black Panther would work better by being introduced through an Avengers movie, versus his own solo film. It would be a lot simpler I think for Marvel, and would help condense everything instead of draw it out and over saturate the cinema field with even more super hero films.
Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew
The odd's of us seeing Spider-Woman on the big screen right next to Cap and Iron Man is probably slim to none. Yes, Marvel owns the Cinematic Rights to SW. I think that she would be an awesome installment to the Avengers franchise because they could introduce her as one of the agents at Hydra that infiltrates S.H.I.E.L.D. but eventually decides to use her powers for good (much like in the comics) but I doubt she would be named Spider-Woman and I doubt they would use her classic red and yellow suit. They would more than likely do a Black Widow-esque style suit where it's black on red, or black on black. I think she would be really cool to see on the big screen but I honestly think she is the most far fetched on my list. I just really don't see Marvel doing it, even though I would be the happiest little fan boy if they did.
Iron Fist/Danny Rand
With his own Netflix TV Show on the way I'm sure a lot of people are curious to know whether or not Iron Fist will cross over into the MCU or if the several upcoming Netflix TV Shows are going to be in their own little world but I think it would be amazing to see Iron Fist a part of the Avengers. The reason I think that Marvel should bring all these heroes into the MCU is because it seems like they're setting it up for Civil War and if they're going to be doing that, they're going to need A LOT of heroes and the sad truth is that they don't own the rights to most of the big players in that arc, so why not bring in some that they own the rights too? It's a big possibility that all the heroes they'll be making Netflix shows for will make appearances in The Avengers franchise at some point in time, and I would be more than happy to see Iron Fist a part of that!
Bucky Barnes
The last character on this list is the famous side kick of Captain America, Bucky Barnes! With Bucky coming back as "The Winter Solider" in the next Captain America movie I'm very curious to see if they're going to take the obvious (cinematic) route and kill him off, or actually keep Bucky around for him to pick up the mantle of Captain America. Yes, I know and understand that Bucky doesn't take up the mantle until after Civil War when Steve Rogers is killed, but hear me out. I think it would be really cool for the entire MCU to have Bucky and Steve as Captain America, or even just have Bucky as his side kick like he was originally in the comics. As long as they don't kill off The Winter Soldier in the upcoming Captain America film, there is a very very high possibility of them utilizing the character of Bucky Barnes.
Do you agree with my list or do you think I am crazy with who I want to see join The Avengers? Let me know below!
article by Matt Skajem